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What We Believe

The Bible is truth. We believe it tells the story of God’s quest to build a relationship with his children through Jesus. It provides the blueprint for a servant-hearted life that glorifies God.

The Bible can be complicated at times, so we would love to discuss ideas you may come across as you look deeper into the scriptures. Though we may not have all the answers, we are all in continual path of studying God’s word to further understand it.

Core beliefs:

About God:

God is the Creator and Ruler. He is everywhere and knows everything. He is love and provides the Bible to show us how to love others. He is the Father to all, including Jesus Christ.

About Jesus:

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. His life is our standard to live by and our example to imitate. He lived a sinless human life and offered himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on the cross. He was raised from the dead after three days and won the battle over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven’s glory and will return again to judge the world and bring all God’s people to heaven forever.

About salvation:

God loves us and wants to be in every one of our lives. We have an opportunity to spend eternity with the creator of all. He is the example of perfect love. The wonderful story of the Bible is God relentlessly sharing opportunity after opportunity to rescue us. There is always light in front of us, no matter how dark our past may have been. To see the light, you need to trust what Jesus did on the cross for us and understand salvation goes through Him.

About worship:

We gather to celebrate the gift the Lord has given us. As a church, we are the body of Christ and we belong to Him. The church is not defined by anything except the love Jesus showed us on the cross. The purpose our worship is to glorify God. He is our only audience.

Get In Touch

Have a question about our congregation? We'd be happy to hear from you.

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